Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Stupid People

Shhhhhhhh. I've got a secret........I see dead people, BRAIN dead people and they're in the news. No, I'm not talking about Huey Lewis. I'm refering to the three 'hikers' that were captured by Iran or was it Iraq? Well guess what, they BOTH hate our guts. If these three idiots wanted to hike through a desolate wasteland, what's wrong with Death Valley? These are college graduates?!? No wonder America is in such bad shape. I don't even care what their names are, because they're STUPID. Of all of the things they could have done, they choose this moron's holiday, and we are supposed to give a shit about them. They keep invading my home via the television and I, for one am sick to death of them. What the Hell were they doing there in the first place? Trustfundtards with a sense of entitlement, I wonder how many tax dollars it has already taken to "negotiate" their release? There should be a stupidity law for people like this, they should be left where they are and hopefully they will join up with the terrorists, that would be a help to our side. Two of these idiots are engaged, that means children with the stupid gene coming from both parents, OMG! I have advice for them and their parents, Don't Do That!! I'll use a line from the movie Airplane. "They knew what they were getting into when they bought their tickets, I say let 'em crash". Well, I've got to go, some friends and I are going to Bosnia for a picnic and then sailing over to Somalia for a beach party. Watch for us in the news

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